
Microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattooing which uses a handheld tool instead of a tattoo machine. This cosmetic technique uses a blade that is made up of tiny, fine-point needles, which is used to scratch 3D hairlike strokes and deposit cosmetic tattoo pigment simultaneously into the dermal layer of the skin, creating a design that resembles natural brow hairs.

180 Minutes | From $400

*Please note that previously Microbladed Brows done by another artist will be considered as a Full Brow Work


Contraindications are issues or illnesses that make microblading unsuitable or restricts the timing of the procedure. Contraindications that may prohibit or postpone the treatment:

Glaucoma - cannot be treated

Blurred Vision - cannot be treated

Eye Disorder or Infection - eyes must be fully healed and healthy. Doctor’s approval may be required.

Botox and/or Dermal Fillers on Forehead, Brows and/or Eye Area - must wait 3 weeks prior to or 3 weeks following injection date.

Laser Vision Correction - must wait 6 months following procedure date.

Blepharoplasty Surgery (Eye Lift) - must wait 1 year following surgery date.

Use Brow Growth Serum (Latisse, EyEnvy, etc.) - avoid usage for 5 days prior to appointment. May experience more sensitivity to procedure.

Dry Eyes - may need to keep eyes lubricated with saline solution or Visine to reduce dryness and discomfort.

Contact Lenses - contact lenses must be removed prior to procedure.


Sensitivities/Allergies to Anesthetic and/or Pigments/Inks - microblading uses topical anesthetics such as lidocaine to numb the area during the procedure and uses cosmetic tattoo pigment.

Sensitivities/Allergies to Honey or Ointments - must be applied on microbladed brows after procedure.

Sensitivities/Allergies to PABA (sunscreen) - once healed, sunscreen should be applied to protect skin and maintain pigment retention.


Pregnant - cannot undergo this procedure.

Breastfeeding - cannot undergo this procedure.

Sunburn - must wait for 2 weeks prior to treatment.

Chemotherapy - cannot treat while undergoing medical treatment and must be in complete remission. Doctor’s approval is required.

High Blood Pressure - consult with physician.

Infectious Diseases (HIV, hepatitis, etc.) - cannot be treated due to the nature of illness.

Diabetes - Type 1 diabetes cannot undergo treatment. Type 2 diabetes must be controlled before procedure. Although it is not a serious condition, doctor’s approval is required.

Keloid Scarring - cannot be treated due to increased risk of developing scar tissue.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) - cannot be treated due to the high risk of pigmentation issues.

Autoimmune Disorders - may not be treated due to the nature of illness. Healing time may take longer and there is a higher risk of infection. Doctor’s approval is required.

Blood Disorders - any blood disorders such as blood clotting, sickle cell, anemia, hemophilia, or taking large doses of aspirin. Doctor’s approval is required.

Thyroid Problems - may experience hypersensitivity to procedure.

Alopecia - skin may be tougher and may need 2 touchups after initial session.

Skin Disease, Disorder or Condition (rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, acne) - eye, eyebrow and forehead regions must not have an active outbreak.

Moles - cannot be treated if moles are irregular (melanoma). Ordinary moles may need to be removed, otherwise area can be microbladed around the moles.

Bruise Easily - may experience bruising and redness on and around eyebrow area.

Chemical Skin Peel Treatments - skin must be completely recovered prior to procedure date. Must wait 2 weeks following skin treatment date.

IPL or Laser Treatments - skin must be completely recovered prior to procedure date. Must wait 2 weeks following skin treatment date.

Tanning or Have Eyebrows Waxed - allow skin 3 days to recover following your tanning and/or waxing session.

Treated for Depression - doctor’s approval may be required. A non-permanent alternative may be recommended.

There are many medications that can possibly interfere with the Microblading procedure.

Anticoagulants (blood thinners) - cannot undergo treatment.

Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) Medications - also known as Aspirin, as well as products containing Aspirin including ibuprofen (Advil). Avoid usage for 3 days prior to and on day of appointment.

Niacin (Vitamin B3 and nicotinic acid) - avoid usage for 3 days prior to appointment.

Retinol/Retin-A - avoid usage for 3-5 days prior to appointment and avoid eyebrows and eyebrow area after treatment as these products will fade tattoos. Doctor’s approval is required if it is a prescription medication (dosage may interfere with treatment and you may have to stop use for a longer time period.)

Acne Medication (topical or oral) - cannot be treated if taking Accutane or Tretinoin medications. Consult with physician.

Steroids - discontinue use for a minimum of 6 weeks prior to procedure.

Cortisone Medications - doctor’s approval is required.

If taking prescribed topical or oral medication, doctor’s approval may be required.


  • Do not consume coffee before your treatment.

  • Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood) before your treatment.

  • Do not exercise the day of the treatment.

  • Do not drink alcohol 24 - 48 hours before treatment.

  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows three days before treatment.

  • Do not pick, tweeze, wax or perform electrolysis one week before treatment.

  • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week before treatment (natural blood thinners).

  • Do not tan two weeks before treatment or have sunburned face.

  • Do not have any facial treatments two weeks before treatment.

  • Do not have botox three weeks before treatment.


Please follow these directions carefully:

  • Gently wash eyebrows each morning and night with water and an antibacterial soap to remove bacteria and dead skin. With a very light touch, use your clean fingertips to cleanse the area by gently rubbing in a smooth motion for 10 seconds, then rinse with water ensuring that all soap is rinsed away. Gently pat dry with a clean tissue.

  • Apply a very small amount of aftercare ointment with a cotton swab and spread it across the treated area. The ointment should be barely noticeable on the skin. Be sure not to over-apply as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. Never put the ointment on a wet or damp tattoo.

  • DO NOT rub, pick or scratch eyebrows. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of colour.

  • Do not wet or wash eyebrows for 24 hours following treatment.

  • Do not exercise for the first 48 hours following treatment. Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week.

  • Use a clean pillowcase. Avoid sleeping on your face for two weeks following treatment.

  • Do not expose face to water pressure from the shower for a minimum of two weeks following treatment.

  • Do not wear makeup on and around eyebrow area for a minimum of two weeks following treatment.

  • Do not participate in hot yoga, take long hot showers, swim in a public pool, use sauna, steam room or hot tub for a minimum of two weeks following treatment.

  • Do not receive any facial treatments, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for a minimum of four weeks following treatment.

  • Do not use harsh soaps, scrubs, exfoliators and heavy skincare products on the face for a minimum of two weeks following treatment.

  • Do not use skin care products containing AHA’s (glycolic, salicylic, peels) or retinols for a minimum of two weeks following treatment.

  • Do not expose tattooed area to direct sunlight or tanning bed for four weeks following treatment.

If the eye and eyebrow area are not healthy or there are concerns, the procedure cannot be performed and you will need to see a dermatologist. Doctor’s approval will be required.